Monday 18 January 2021

Is it time to be fearful or greedy in property?

What should you do in the current “interesting” property markets?

Is it time to be fearful or is it the right time to be greedy?

to be fearful or greedy in property

I know many investors are confused with concerns remaining about the Coronavirus, high unemployment and the many mixed messages forecasting what’s ahead for our economy and our property markets.

While we’re officially out of recession there are clearly many headwinds ahead and we we don’t have to look far to be reminded that the Coronavirus hasn’t gone away.

I’ve noticed two types of emotion in those interested in property:

  1. Last year as it became clear our markets wouldn’t crash like some property pessimists predicted, FOBE was the predominant sentiment – Fear Of Buying too Early – home buyers and investors trying to time the market wondering “what if prices do fall further?”
  2. Now FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is creeping back as house prices are rising around Australia.

It is said that the 2 most powerful emotions that drive markets are fear and greed.

In fact master investor Warren Buffet advised: “I’ll tell you how to become rich….Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.”

So today I’d like to give you my thoughts on this with a lesson from history…

Twenty eight years ago, as Australia was working its way out of the recession we had to have, few would have thought of property as a good investment.

It was 1993 and interest rates had come down 3 percent over the previous 2 years as the Reserve Bank tried to stimulate the economy and our faltering property markets.

By the way… this brought interest rates down to 10%, the lowest level they had been for 13 years.

Having just experienced the first Australian recession in a long time, consumer and business confidence was low, there were too many properties for sale, buyers were scarce and some properties, particularly in top end suburbs, had plummeted in value.


Article Source:

from Queensland Property Investor

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